Voices from thefrontlines
Climate change is reshaping our world and exposing Africans, across the continent, to increased hardship. How can its people be empowered to face climate shocks and stressors and make informed decisions to move or stay now and in the future?

Agenda forAction
Agenda forAction
People must be at the centre of climate action. The Agenda for action calls for locally anchored solutions to address the drivers and impacts of climate mobility in Africa, and strengthen the agency of the affected people and communities.
Guided by three core tenets — Plan for Mobility, Empower People & Transform Development — the Agenda for Action presents eight key actions for the next eight years (2023 to 2030), in line with the Decade for Action to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. It also outlines concrete measures to advance each of the eight Actions.
The Agenda for Action is primarily directed at African leaders across sectors and levels of governance, as well as African and international stakeholders from civil society, the research community, philanthropy and impact investors, and international partners, including bilateral donors, the UN System, and International Financial Institutions.
The Africa Climate Mobility Initiative will bring together coalitions of champions to drive progress on the eight actions and the measures needed to advance them by 2030. To this end, the Global Centre for Climate Mobility will advance four Flagship Programmes under the Africa Climate Mobility Initiative starting in 2023. These are focusing on a) Climate Literacy for Stronger Agency, b) Green Skills for Inclusive Transition, c) Water Solutions for Resilient Communities, and d) Data and Knowledge for Local Impact.
By bringing different actors together, from government, finance, civil society and the private sector, and forging not only a common agenda, but also actions toward shared goals, we believe the positive outcomes of people-centred, locally led, and integrated strategies are feasible within this decade.
The 8 actions to lead the way forward: