Voices from thefrontlines
Climate change is reshaping our world and exposing Africans, across the continent, to increased hardship. How can its people be empowered to face climate shocks and stressors and make informed decisions to move or stay now and in the future?
Food Security
Crop Yields
Climate impacts on crop yields
Data Interpretation
Climate impacts on water availability and crop yields will be an important driver of climate mobility across Africa. Declining crop yields are associated with an increase in internal climate mobility away from the affected areas, while depressing longer distance, cross-border mobility.
Data Modelling
Five-year average water availability and crop production considers annual mean water discharge, annual crop yield, and annual mean total net primary productivity (in tons for maize, wheat, rice, soybeans, cassava/tropical roots, groundnut, millet/tropical cereals, field pea/pulses, rapeseed, sugarcane, sugarbeet/temperate roots, and sunflower) per grid cell. Crop production is a function of rainfall, temperature, CO2 concentrations, irrigation, and other management practices that are incorporated in the models of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) to provide projections of future population distributions.
ISIMIP2b (Data range: 1990-2050)