Food Security

Water Availability

Climate impacts on water availability

Data Interpretation

Essential for food and economic production, water availability will change over time due to climate impacts. With more frequent, prolonged, and intense droughts, water scarcity is a major driver of human mobility. Areas that will experience temporary increases in water availability could become interim destinations for climate mobility.

Data Modelling

Water availability is influenced by rainfall and rising temperatures and is based on river discharge, measured in cubic metres per second in daily/monthly time increments and converted to five-year average water availability and crop production (in tons) per grid cell. Projections of future population distributions based on these factors affecting water availability are provided by the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP).


ISIMIP2b (Data range: 1990-2050)

Global Centre for Climate MobilityAfrica Climate Mobility Initiative